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Japanese anime
- Windmill Anime - A site dedicated to watching anime online
- 收视率力压陈都灵,任敏成功背后是有原因的,两大配角功不可没
- 《七夜雪》妙水和妙风相认了吗?《七夜雪》徐重华结局是怎样?
- 《上甘岭》百看不厌的5大名场面,引爆追剧热潮全包的!
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- 开分9.4,最惦记的神剧回归,我又活过来了!
- Anime is emotional resonance, and we Windmill Anime (fc-dm.com) are your confidants! Through big data analysis, we recommend the most touching Japanese comics, Chinese comics and European and American animations for you. Whether it's a classic or the latest hit, each work has been verified by tens of millions of users. Let's find your own touch in the world of global anime together!
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- 同日上线满3天,《珠帘玉幕》与《永夜星河》,谁的成绩更出色